Comparison truly is the thief of joy

May 5, 2016

  1. Andrea Rodway says:

    Girl. I totally hear you loud and clear. I feel this way sometimes daily. But at the end of the day I look at my work and see how far I’ve come in the last few years and you need to do the same! Your work is gorgeous and I’m so glad that I met you! You are a strong and amazing woman and God has blessed you with this gift. So keep movin! <3

  2. Angela Lara says:

    This is exactly what I needed to read this morning:) thank you for posting this.

  3. Suzanne Marie Smith says:

    Great blog!

  4. Lisa Hornak says:

    A-freakin-men! This is a topic of many conversations I seem to have with other creatives. We always seem to look at others progress instead of valuing our own!

  5. Ashlee Mintz says:

    Great post! I can definitely relate too!

  6. Laura Pagliuco says:

    Awesomepixs !

  7. Rebecca Harmony says:

    You are an excellent writer! I’ve been there all too many times too.

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